Center of Technological Initiatives

sale, production, modernization, repair of machines     

production automation                    

Dmytro Kryvoruchko, Dr. Sc.


Curriculum Vitae


Doctor of Science, Associate Professor
Dmytro V. Kryvoruchko


Personal Data


Dmytro Volodymyrovych Kryvoruchko

Date and place of birth

11.12.1977, Sumy, Ukraine



Marital status

Married, 1 child


Levanevskogo Str. 4, appt. 24
40011, Sumy, Ukraine
Mob.: +380/66/647836




Attending elementary school and high school in Sumy, Ukraine
Conclusion: Secondary school


Studying mechanical engineering and manufacturing engineering at the Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine.
Diploma in Engineering, rated "very good"


Ph.D. Studies of Machining Processes, Machines and Tools at Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine
Theme: An increase of finish operation efficiency by means of analytical modeling of tool-workpiece force interaction.
Degree: Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) in Machining Processes, Machines and Tools from Bakul V.M. Institute for Superhard Materials of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine


Doctoral Studies in Machining Processes, Machines and Tools at Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine.
Theme: Scientific backgrounds of machining simulation using numeric methods.
Degree: Doctor of Science in Machining Processes, Machines and Tools from National Technical University "KhPI", Kharkov, Ukraine



Professional experience in industry


Design engineer at Scientific Production Enterprise “NASOSTECHKOMPLECT”, Sumy, Ukraine

since 2000

Senior research fellow at Scientific Production Enterprise “NASOSTECHKOMPLECT”, Sumy, Ukraine

Professional experience in research and teaching


Senior Lecturer at Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools of Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine

since 2007

Associate Professor, Head of Division of Manufacturing Engineering of Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine

since 1999

Executor of research projects with Open Society «Ukrainian Research Insitute of aircraft technologies», Open Stock Company “Sumy plant “Nasosenergomash” etc.

Political science tasks and participation in committees

since 2007

Vice Chairman of the Examination Board Manufacturing Engineering Education

since 2004

Co-organizer of the laboratory of mechanical tests of the Sumy State University

since 2001

Co-organizer and secretary of annual Whole-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists “Machine building of Ukraine by Eyes of Youth: Progressive Ideas – Science – Manufacture”

since 2011

Review of Journal “Bulletin of Sumy State University”

since 2010

Member of research board of Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies

Focus of Scientific Work

The focus of research at the Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Machines and Tools, Sumy State Universityare in the areas of simulation of machining operation and tool-machine interaction by means of numerical methods including finite element and SPH methods, experimental investigation of mechanical and tribological properties of materials. Metals and composites are the materials of interest.

The focus of research at the Scientific Production Enterprise “NASOSTECHKOMPLECT” is the strength analysis and optimization of flexible couplings.


since 1995

more than 100 publications in various national and international journals, conference proceedings, one book chapter and four patents.



Awards and honours:


Grant of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists.


Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Grant of the Cabinet Council of Ukraine for young scientists


Award of the Sumy State University for Preparation of 2 students which have scored prize-winning places at Whole-Ukrainian Student Scientific Work Competition – 2010.

2009, 2010

Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for preparation of the students which has scored prize-winning places at Whole-Ukrainian Student Scientific Work Competition – 2009


Memberships in associations and organizations


Member of Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering since 2010


Sumy, 03.05.2012



Dr. Sc. tech. Dmytro Kryvoruchko





Heisel, U.; Storchak, M.; Krivoruchko D. V.; Braun, S.: Modeling of Interaction Processes in Cutting. In: Proceeding 2nd International Conference Process Machine Interactions, June 10 -11, 2010.


Heisel, U.; Kryvoruchko, D. V.; Zaloha, V. A.; Storchak, M.; Stehle, T.: Die FEM-Modellierung als moderner Ansatz zur Untersuchung von Zerspanprozessen. ZWF, 2009, Nr. 7 – 8, S. 604 – 616.


Kryvoruchko D.V., Zaloha V.A., Korbach V.G. Backgrounds of 3D-modelling of machining operations by finite element method. - Sumy: Publishing house SSU, 2010. – 208 p. [in Ukrainian]


Kryvoruchko, D.V.; Zaloga, V.A.; Lebedev, V.Y.; Zaloga, O.A.The effect of the nitrogen ion-beam implantation on adhesiveness of the WC-8Co hard alloy. In: Journal of Superhard Materials. Volume 34, Issue 1, February 2012, Pages 44-48.


Kryvoruchko D.V., Zaloha V.A. Modeling of machining of fiber reinforced composites:  Моделированиерезанияармированныхкомпозиционныхматериалов: Achievements and Trends. In:Technological systems, №4(57), 2011. Pages 69-79.

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